So this month has been all about re purposing stuff I have found, bought cheaply or been given. Most of it has made it's way into a design that will go to Miss Brynnan but I have saved a special chair for Noah. I can't do that till he has a room of his own though and I know what color I'll paint his room. Here are some of the projects I have going.
Her growth chart. I made this using wood, a cute fabric, a pink tape measure and mini popsicle sticks for the height measurements. I really like how it came out!
Her bed canopy made from a lamp shade, tulle and then green suede. I still have some tweaking to do on this one. Some butterflies to add and then make the chain cover.
I picked this up from Craigslist for $5. It's 2' tall and at first sight I KNEW what I wanted to do with it!
The before
Add some white spray paint in gloss and Brynnan's tutu that's too small for her now and viola!!
This is just waiting for me to get ahold of it.
OK I know what you're thinking but trust me. If my plan works it's gonna be so sweet. I want to remove the glass dome, paint it a ballet slipper pink, add some small candle shaped light bulbs and then some chandelier beads. Think Pottery Bark kids but on a poor mans budget. I mean, check out the price!!
So yea, how could I pass this little beauty up? Come on! Look past the 80's brass. Can you see it? Such a sweet light to hang in my princess' room.
This is the chair I was talking about for Noah. LOVE the lines, the detail in the wood and the fact it's a woven chair!! OH, I got it off the side of the road. I know, it WAS crazy to stop and toss it in my truck but I had to. It was sitting there, waiting for me. Now he'll look smart soon. A fresh coat of paint after a nice sanding along with stripping off that HIDEOUS fabric and covering it in something fun and durable. OH and redoing the weave. I have my staple gun ready, just need a room for Noah.
2024 home project recap
14 hours ago