Just 3MD

Just 3MD

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Taking a moment

I just wanted to take a moment and share with you a picture or two of Little Miss from Saturday. She's awesome. She can kick booty and look adorable doing it. She had her 4th belt test and she passed with flying colors. She is one of the youngest (a boy named Kaden is 4 and then it's my peanut as far as age goes) but she can hang with the older kids!

On the way, we saw a hot air balloon in the sky. Little Miss said it was for good luck since it was yellow and that's what color she is going for!

After, she had to sit and wait for other Students to get their belt tied on. The orange around her neck is her old belt.

Here she is with her instructors, Master Park (6th degree black belt) and Mr. Brandon. 

Meet Chief Master Choi. He's small but a first class Bad @**! He's an 8Th degree black belt, former Asian Military and trainer of the Asian Olympic Tae Kwan Do team! (Don't ask what year he did that. I have no idea) He also was an Officer and he trained fellow Officers as well in the art. He was in town for the Graduation and it was so awesome to have him there!

This is the progression of belt colors. The stripe belts are in between colors. So, if your child is white and graduates, their new belt will be white with an orange stripe and so on.

She did so great. After graduation, we took her to lunch at her favorite place, Chuck E. Cheese, and had some fun! 

~ Bugs & Fishes,

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