Just 3MD

Just 3MD

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


OK I'll admit it, I have let myself go and I have gained some weight. About 5 pounds to be exact and I take full blame. No one held a gun to my head while I devoured Halloween candy or chocolate cake. No one said I was being a horrible person if I didn't finish all the food on my plate includeing the collard greens made in bacon grease and the soda's (yes sodas) I had too while my Mom was here. I did those things. Me. All alone while no one said "Put that down" or "a minute on the lips is a lifetime on the hips". Ugh, so, here I go. Get back on my diet. TRY and I mean REALLY TRY to work out somehow. So I made a plan.

1. Check out inspiration pics on Pinterest and get motivated.

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2. Find recipies that are healthy.

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3. Work out

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OK that's not really me running but I did do that today. Around my block and then almost passed out! We can pretend I look that cool/good when I run. I probably look more like this.


OK, getting back to my morning.......

SO when I got up today I had my cup of joe. Black to save on the calories. I love creamer and they have all fall flavors out now!! Well, I did black. Then I had a bowl of Rasin Bran in fat free milk. Good but would have been better with some sugar added. I didn't though. I kept thinking "Do it right Aleigh" so I did. When I dropped Little Miss off at school, the litttle man in my life and I headed to the grocery! I got a few things to make dinners for the week as well as stuff to make some smoothies. I plan on doing the smoothies as a meal replacement type thing. Thanks to Pinterest and the link to Lacey in love I got a wild hair and did my own version.
I got a bunch of banana's (5 in the bunch), 4 kiwi, a tub of lite Lucerin vanilla yogurt and 3 bags of frozen mixed berries. When I got home, I cut up 3 of the bananas and 2 of the kiwi into bite sized pieces and then popped it in the freezer on a lined cookie sheet. I also took the yogurt and filled up a cupcake tin and popped THAT in the freezer as well. After about an hour, I took about a cup to a cup and a half of the fruit (both the ones I cut up and the frozen bag of mixed berries) and 2 yogurt cubes and put it into a bag. I was able to make 5 baggies of the fruit and yogurt. Now all I have to do on busy mornings is take out a baggie, add a scoop of whey protien and a cup of fat free milk. Blend all together and viola! A fruit smootie! When I took all my ingredients and broke down the prices of it all it came out uber cheap. Here's the breakdown:

$2.39 for the yogurt
$3.00 for the frozen berries (I say 3 since I got 3 packs and only used one)

$0.70 for the bananas since I only used 3
$1.00 for the kiwi since I only used 2

Now, I already had this. I had bought it for my eldest child but he didn't use it. It's banana and I thought I had gotten vanilla so that's why he didn't use it. I figure I will so...it cost me $20.00. Now, the tub says 1 scoop is a serving and there are 23 servings in this tub. SOOOOO, each scoop is $0.87. 5 scoops will be used for the 5 smoothies so that makes this total of whey $4.35.

Breaking it down more, a smoothie with no protien costs me $1.40. A smoothie WITH protein is $2.30!


*I rounded off just in case you were wondering.

I have to be honest, I feel awesome! I worked out, ate good thus far today and now have a smoothie fix for 5 days. I'll let ya know how it tastes. I may try it with OJ one day too just to see if I like it better but in the meantime, as it is right now, a smoothie will be around 200 calories. Not too shabby!

I just hope all in all I don't do great and then hit that spot where this happens.

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